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Monday, March 31, 2008

During a recent trip to North Carolina, I had the pleasure of shooting Kerry and Abby (or is that Abby and Kerry). Despite yucky cold weather, we managed to have some fun and make some nice pictures. Here they are!


Steve Williams said...

The top picture of the girl alone, and the one in the previous post at Red Rock are very nice.

The light and color quality seem to enhance the feeling of a young person. It is as if the light is fresh and alive. Light, weightless or something.

Are you doing all of this with natural light or do you add light to the scenes. As I think about the homes I visit I seldom see that kind of light.

Steve Williams
Scooter in the Sticks

DSR said...

Hi Steve:

All natural light, though I will occasionally use a reflector or silk, especially outdoors.

Thanks for looking!
