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Saturday, October 6, 2007

Day 6. Spent the entire day on the train from Prague to Budapest. What was supposed to be a 7 hour trip became a 9 hour trip-- make your own jokes about Eastern Europe trains not running on time here-- due to (depending on which story you believe) mechanical failure, a highway accident, or the train striking a pedestrian. We arrived late, but safely.

First impressions of Budapest is that it is a more hip city. The people look really good. Many fewer tourists.

No pictures from today. Instead, here is a picture shot last night in Prague. These "fast food" sausage stands dot the pedestrian areas. For those whose Czech is a little rusty, Menu 1 is a pork cutlet, menu 3 is fried cheese on a bun, and menu 2 is a Vaclek sausage (think natural casing hot dog, twice as big around, sharply spicy, and with a great "snap" when you bite into it). God only know what gets ground up into these, but they were REALLY good and I will miss eating them.

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